DEXA Scan in St. Charles, IL



You wouldn’t buy homeowner’s insurance expecting it to cover every aspect of maintaining your home. Similarly, health insurance often falls short when it comes to fully supporting your wellness journey. That’s why we believe achieving optimal health requires more than just coverage – it needs expert guidance and a personalized plan. Dr. Fitzgerald and her team start with a comprehensive assessment of your unique needs, symptoms and goals to craft a wellness plan tailored specifically for you, addressing the gaps where traditional health insurance falls short.

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One of the many tools at our disposal at Larimar Med in St. Charles, IL, is the DEXA scan. This state-of-the-art technology is the gold standard in body composition analysis. Many health assessments rely on surface-level metrics like weight or BMI, but those tell us very little about what’s happening beneath the surface. DEXA scanning, on the other hand, gives us three critical data points to work with: your body fat, lean muscle mass and bone density.

With that information acting as our GPS, our providers can chart a course for getting you to your best state of health. Whether you’re on a weight loss journey, an athlete fine-tuning your performance or simply looking to optimize your health, there’s no limit to where your wellness journey can take you when you have the right roadmap.

What Is a DEXA Scan?

DEXA stands for Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. It is an advanced imaging technique that uses low-dose X-rays to create a detailed map of your body. Originally developed for measuring bone density, DEXA is now the most precise method available for analyzing body composition.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You lie comfortably on a padded table while a scanner arm passes over your body
  2. The scanner emits two low-energy X-ray beams that are absorbed differently by various tissues in your body
  3. Sophisticated software analyzes the absorption patterns to differentiate between fat, lean muscle and bone
  4. The result is a comprehensive breakdown of your body composition, including:
    • Total body fat percentage
    • Regional fat distribution (trunk, arms, legs)
    • Lean muscle mass
    • Bone mineral density
    • Visceral fat levels

This treasure trove of data goes far beyond what a simple scale or BMI calculation can tell you. It offers a nuanced understanding of your body’s makeup that enables us to create customized healthcare solutions tailored to your unique physiology.

How Does a DEXA Scan Differ from Other Body Composition Tests?

There are several methods available for measuring body composition. However, nothing matches DEXA in accuracy, comprehensiveness and reliability.

DEXA vs. Skinfold Calipers

Skinfold calipers measure subcutaneous fat in specific areas of the body. While inexpensive and widely available, this method:

  • Is highly dependent on the skill of the technician
  • Can be uncomfortable and invasive
  • Only measures subcutaneous fat, missing visceral fat
  • Has a higher margin of error, especially for very lean or obese individuals

DEXA, on the other hand, provides a complete picture of fat distribution throughout the body, including visceral fat, with minimal margin for error.

DEXA vs. Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA)

BIA devices, including smart scales, send a weak electrical current through the body to estimate body fat percentage. While convenient, BIA:

  • Can be affected by hydration levels, recent meals and exercise
  • Provides less accurate results for athletes and those with unusual body compositions
  • Cannot distinguish between different types of body fat or provide regional analysis

DEXA offers consistent results regardless of hydration or recent activities and provides detailed regional analysis.

DEXA vs. Hydrostatic Weighing

Often considered the “gold standard” before DEXA, hydrostatic weighing requires being submerged in water. This method:

  • Can be uncomfortable and impractical
  • Doesn’t provide information on regional fat distribution or bone density
  • May be less accurate for those with high muscle mass or low bone density

DEXA surpasses hydrostatic weighing in both comfort and the breadth of information provided.

DEXA vs. Weight and BMI

Using a scale to measure weight or calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) are common methods for assessing health, but they have significant limitations. They:

  • Don’t distinguish between fat, muscle and bone mass
  • Can’t provide information about fat distribution or visceral fat
  • May misclassify muscular individuals as overweight or obese
  • Don’t account for age, gender or body composition differences

DEXA provides insights that weight and BMI simply can’t match.

So, although each of these methods may have its place under certain circumstances, DEXA scans offer the most comprehensive, accurate and detailed analysis of body composition. We’ve chosen to offer DEXA scans at Larimar Med because we want you to have the highest quality data to support your health and wellness journey.

Benefits of DEXA Scans

DEXA scans are powerful tools for anyone who wants to understand and improve their health. Here’s how this advanced technology can benefit you:

Precise Body Composition Measurement

DEXA scans provide the most detailed breakdown of your body composition. Unlike other methods that only estimate overall body fat percentage, DEXA accurately measures fat, lean muscle mass and bone density. This three-component model empowers you to understand exactly what makes up your body so you can make intelligent decisions about your health and wellness needs.

Tracking Progress in Fitness and Weight Management

When it comes to fitness and weight, the numbers on the scale don’t tell the whole story. DEXA scans excel at monitoring changes in your body composition over time. When you know the precise measurements of fat loss and muscle gain, you can track your progress more accurately. This is particularly valuable if you’re working on body recomposition, where you might be gaining muscle while losing fat. A body recomposition plan may show little change on the scale but significant improvements in your overall health and physique.

Identifying Health Risks

Where your long-term health outlook is concerned, one of the most crucial benefits of DEXA scans is their measurement of visceral fat. This is the fat that surrounds your organs, and high levels of it are associated with increased risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Analyzing your visceral fat levels may help us identify potential health risks before they become serious issues, so we can design a proactive plan to address them.

Customizing Nutrition and Exercise Plans

The detailed data from a DEXA scan is a great starting point for our personalized nutrition and exercise strategies. Whether you’re looking to lose fat, gain muscle or improve overall health, your DEXA results can help us tailor our recommendations specifically to you.

Assessing Muscle Symmetry and Balance

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, DEXA scans offer insights into muscle symmetry and balance. The technology can detect subtle differences in muscle mass between the left and right sides of your body. Addressing any imbalances discovered can help you enhance your athletic performance, reduce injury risk and ensure balanced, functional strength.

Bone Health Screening

DEXA scans also provide accurate measurements of bone mineral density. This function is critical for the early detection of conditions like osteopenia or osteoporosis. By monitoring bone health alongside body composition, you can take a truly holistic approach to your physical well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions About DEXA Scans

How long does a DEXA scan take?
A DEXA scan is a comfortable procedure that lasts just 10 to 20 minutes. You’ll spend most of this time lying still on the scanning table while the scanner arm passes over your body. The actual scanning time is usually less than 10 minutes.
Is a DEXA scan safe? What about radiation exposure?
DEXA scans are considered very safe. The radiation exposure from a DEXA scan is extremely low — much lower than a standard chest X-ray. To put it in perspective, the radiation from a DEXA scan is less than the amount you’d receive during a cross-country flight or from a day of normal background radiation. However, as with any medical procedure involving radiation, it’s important to inform your provider if you’re pregnant or think you might be.
How often should I get a DEXA scan?
The recommended frequency depends on your health goals and circumstances. For general health and fitness purposes, many people benefit from annual scans to track changes in body composition over time. Athletes or those actively working on body composition changes might opt for scans every three to six months. Dr. Fitzgerald and her team can help determine the best schedule for your needs.
Do I need to prepare for a DEXA scan?
Preparation for a DEXA scan is minimal. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing without metal components (zippers, buttons, etc.). You may be asked to change into a gown for the scan. It’s best to avoid taking calcium supplements for at least 24 hours before your scan. Also, inform your provider if you’ve had any recent barium exams or nuclear medicine studies, as these might affect your results.
Can I eat or drink before my DEXA scan?
DEXA scans don’t require fasting, as some medical tests do. However, for the most accurate body composition results, we recommend the following:
  • Avoid large meals 2-3 hours before your scan
  • Stay hydrated, but don’t drink excessive amounts of water right before the scan
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment
  • If you’re having a bone density scan, avoid calcium supplements for 24 hours beforehand
These guidelines help ensure you get consistent and accurate measurements.
Is there a weight limit for DEXA scanning equipment?
The weight limits for DEXA scanning equipment are accommodating for most individuals. If you have concerns about weight limits or how your body size might affect your DEXA scan, please don’t hesitate to discuss this with us. At Larimar Med, we’re committed to providing comprehensive care and finding solutions that work for every individual, regardless of size or shape.
How soon after my DEXA scan will I receive my results?
At Larimar Med, we understand the importance of timely information when it comes to your health. You’ll receive a preliminary overview of your results immediately after your scan. One of our providers will walk you through the basic findings, highlighting key metrics like your body fat percentage, lean mass and bone density. For a more comprehensive analysis, including detailed regional breakdowns and comparisons to previous scans (if applicable), you’ll typically receive a full report within one to three business days. Your report may include personalized recommendations based on your results.
Can DEXA scans be used for children or adolescents?
DEXA scans are most commonly used for adults, but they can be safely performed on children and adolescents when medically necessary. For example, DEXA can be useful for monitoring bone density in young people with conditions that affect bone health. The use of DEXA for body composition analysis in growing children is more limited and should be discussed with a provider.
How accurate are DEXA scans for body fat measurement?
DEXA scans are considered the gold standard for body composition measurement. They can detect even small changes in fat, muscle and bone mass with precision. DEXA’s accuracy is estimated to be within 1-2% for body fat percentage. It is one of the most reliable methods available for body composition analysis today.
Will my insurance cover a DEXA scan?
Insurance coverage for DEXA scans varies depending on the purpose of the scan and your specific insurance plan. When used for bone density screening in individuals at risk for osteoporosis, DEXA scans are often covered. However, coverage for body composition analysis may be limited. We recommend checking with your insurance provider regarding coverage.

Experience the Benefits of DEXA Scanning at Larimar Med in St. Charles, IL

Don’t leave your health to guesswork. Our state-of-the-art DEXA technology, combined with our team’s expertise, provides you with the most accurate and comprehensive body composition analysis available today. To schedule your DEXA scan, call us at (630) 762-9864 to book your appointment. You can also use our convenient online booking system.

Larimar Med is your partner in precision health and wellness in St. Charles, IL. Let’s unlock your full potential together.

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